Contributing How-to Guides#

Making a new release#

  1. Create a new branch

  2. Review the change log (docs/source/ The unreleased section should be updated to the current version and release date and not yet added

  3. Update the version number in That is, remove the dev flag, it should not be increased.

  4. Rerun the notebooks in docs/source/tutorials

  5. Open a PR, make sure docs build correctly and all tests pass. Once everything is green, merge the PR

  6. Create a new release from GitHub, use as tag the version number prepended by v. i.e. v0.1.0 or v0.2.3

  7. Check the new version appears on the readthedocs version switcher. If it doesn’t go to readthedocs and add it.

  8. Bump the minor version, set the patch version to 0 and add the dev flag. It should look like 0.2.0.dev0. Also add the Unreleased section in the changelog again.