"""Stats, linear algebra and einops for xarray."""
from __future__ import annotations
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
from .linalg import einsum, einsum_path, matmul
from .accessors import LinAlgAccessor, EinopsAccessor
__all__ = [
__version__ = "0.8.0"
def sort(da, dim, **kwargs):
"""Sort along dimension using DataArray values."""
sort_kwargs = {"axis": -1}
if "kind" in kwargs:
sort_kwargs["kind"] = kwargs.pop("kind")
return xr.apply_ufunc(
def _remove_indexes_to_reduce(da, dims):
"""Remove indexes related to provided dims.
Removes indexes related to dims on which we need to operate.
As many functions only support integer `axis` or None,
in order to have our functions operate on multiple dimensions
we need to stack/flatten them. If some of those dimensions
are already indexed by a multiindex this doesn't work, so we
remove the indexes. As they are reduced, that information
will end up being lost eventually either way.
index_keys = list(da.indexes)
remove_indicator = [
(any(da.indexes[k] is index for k in index_keys if k in dims))
for name, index in da.indexes.items()
indexes_to_remove = [k for k, remove in zip(index_keys, remove_indicator) if remove]
da = da.drop_indexes(indexes_to_remove)
coords_to_remove = [coord for coord in da.coords if coord in indexes_to_remove or coord in dims]
return da.reset_coords(coords_to_remove, drop=True)
def _find_index(elem, to_search_in):
for i, da in enumerate(to_search_in):
if elem in da.dims:
return (i, elem)
raise ValueError(f"{elem} not found in any reference object")
def _create_ref(*args, dims, np_creator, dtype=None):
if dtype is None and all(isinstance(arg, xr.DataArray) for arg in args):
dtype = np.result_type(*[arg.dtype for arg in args])
ref_idxs = [_find_index(dim, args) for dim in dims]
shape = [len(args[idx][dim]) for idx, dim in ref_idxs]
# TODO: keep non indexing coords?
coords = {dim: args[idx][dim] for idx, dim in ref_idxs if dim in args[idx].coords}
return xr.DataArray(
np_creator(shape, dtype=dtype),
def zeros_ref(*args, dims, dtype=None):
"""Create a zeros DataArray from reference object(s).
Creates a DataArray filled with zeros from reference
DataArrays or Datasets and a list with the desired dimensions.
*args : iterable of DataArray or Dataset
Reference objects from which the lengths and coordinate values (if any)
of the given `dims` will be taken.
dims : list of hashable
List of dimensions of the output DataArray. Passed as is to the
{class}`~xarray.DataArray` constructor.
dtype : dtype, optional
The dtype of the output array.
If it is not provided it will be inferred from the reference
DataArrays in `args` with :func:`numpy.result_type`.
See Also
ones_ref, empty_ref
return _create_ref(*args, dims=dims, np_creator=np.zeros, dtype=dtype)
def empty_ref(*args, dims, dtype=None):
"""Create an empty DataArray from reference object(s).
Creates an empty DataArray from reference
DataArrays or Datasets and a list with the desired dimensions.
*args : iterable of DataArray or Dataset
Reference objects from which the lengths and coordinate values (if any)
of the given `dims` will be taken.
dims : list of hashable
List of dimensions of the output DataArray. Passed as is to the
{class}`~xarray.DataArray` constructor.
dtype : dtype, optional
The dtype of the output array.
If it is not provided it will be inferred from the reference
DataArrays in `args` with :func:`numpy.result_type`.
See Also
ones_ref, zeros_ref
return _create_ref(*args, dims=dims, np_creator=np.empty, dtype=dtype)
def ones_ref(*args, dims, dtype=None):
"""Create a ones DataArray from reference object(s).
Creates a DataArray filled with ones from reference
DataArrays or Datasets and a list with the desired dimensions.
*args : iterable of DataArray or Dataset
Reference objects from which the lengths and coordinate values (if any)
of the given `dims` will be taken.
dims : list of hashable
List of dimensions of the output DataArray. Passed as is to the
{class}`~xarray.DataArray` constructor.
dtype : dtype, optional
The dtype of the output array.
If it is not provided it will be inferred from the reference
DataArrays in `args` with :func:`numpy.result_type`.
See Also
empty_ref, zeros_ref
return _create_ref(*args, dims=dims, np_creator=np.ones, dtype=dtype)