"""Module with numba enhanced functions."""
import numba
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
from . import _remove_indexes_to_reduce, sort
__all__ = ["histogram", "searchsorted", "ecdf"]
"void(uint8[:], uint8[:], uint8[:])",
"void(uint16[:], uint16[:], uint16[:])",
"void(uint32[:], uint32[:], uint32[:])",
"void(uint64[:], uint64[:], uint64[:])",
"void(int8[:], int8[:], int8[:])",
"void(int16[:], int16[:], int16[:])",
"void(int32[:], int32[:], int32[:])",
"void(int64[:], int64[:], int64[:])",
"void(float32[:], float32[:], float32[:])",
"void(float64[:], float64[:], float64[:])",
def hist_ufunc(data, bin_edges, res): # pragma: no cover
"""Use :func:`numba.guvectorize` to convert numpy histogram into a ufunc.
``bin_edges`` is a required argument because it is needed to have a valid call
signature. The shape of the output must be generated from the dimensions available
in the inputs; they can be in different order, duplicated or reduced, but the output
can't introduce new dimensions.
# coverage doesn't seem to recognize that we do call this functions, and I assume
# it happens with all guvectorized functions, so skipping them from coverage
# Note: it would be nice to add something to tox.ini about *auto* skipping if guvectorized
# TODO: check signatures
m = len(bin_edges)
res[:] = 0
aux, _ = np.histogram(data, bins=bin_edges)
for i in numba.prange(m - 1):
res[i] = aux[i]
def histogram(da, dims, bins=None, density=False, **kwargs):
"""Numbify :func:`numpy.histogram` to suport vectorized histograms.
da : DataArray
Data to be binned.
dims : str or list of str
Dimensions that should be reduced by binning.
bins : array_like, int or str, optional
Passed to :func:`numpy.histogram_bin_edges`. If ``None`` (the default)
``histogram_bin_edges`` is called without arguments. Bin edges
are shared by all generated histograms.
density : bool, optional
If ``False``, the result will contain the number of samples in each bin.
If ``True``, the result is the value of the probability density function at the bin,
normalized such that the integral over the range is 1.
Note that the sum of the histogram values will not be equal to 1 unless
bins of unity width are chosen; it is not a probability mass function.
kwargs : dict, optional
Passed to :func:`xarray.apply_ufunc`
Returns a DataArray with the histogram results. The dimensions provided
in ``dims`` are reduced into a ``bin`` dimension (without coordinates).
The bin edges are returned as coordinate values indexed by the dimension
``bin``, left bin edges are stored as ``left_edges`` right ones as
Use `histogram` to compute multiple histograms in a vectorized fashion, binning
along both `chain` and `draw` dimensions but not the `match` one. Consequently,
`histogram` generates one independent histogram per `match`:
.. jupyter-execute::
from xarray_einstats import tutorial, numba
ds = tutorial.generate_mcmc_like_dataset(3)
numba.histogram(ds["score"], dims=("chain", "draw"))
Note how the return is a single DataArray, not an array with the histogram and another
with the bin edges. That is because the bin edges are included as coordinate values.
See Also
xhistogram.xarray.histogram :
Alternative implementation (with some different features) of xarray aware histogram.
# TODO: make dask compatible even when bin edges are not passed manually
if bins is None:
bin_edges = np.histogram_bin_edges(da.values.flatten())
elif isinstance(bins, (str, int)):
bin_edges = np.histogram_bin_edges(da.values.flatten(), bins=bins)
bin_edges = bins
if not isinstance(dims, str):
aux_dim = f"__hist_dim__:{','.join(dims)}"
da = _remove_indexes_to_reduce(da, dims).stack({aux_dim: dims})
dims = aux_dim
histograms = xr.apply_ufunc(
input_core_dims=[[dims], ["bin"]],
histograms = histograms.isel({"bin": slice(None, -1)}).assign_coords(
left_edges=("bin", bin_edges[:-1]), right_edges=("bin", bin_edges[1:])
if density:
return histograms / (
histograms.sum("bin") * (histograms.right_edges - histograms.left_edges)
return histograms
"void(uint8[:], uint8[:], uint8[:])",
"void(uint16[:], uint16[:], uint16[:])",
"void(uint32[:], uint32[:], uint32[:])",
"void(uint64[:], uint64[:], uint64[:])",
"void(int8[:], int8[:], int8[:])",
"void(int16[:], int16[:], int16[:])",
"void(int32[:], int32[:], int32[:])",
"void(int64[:], int64[:], int64[:])",
"void(float32[:], float32[:], float32[:])",
"void(float64[:], float64[:], float64[:])",
def searchsorted_ufunc(da, v, res): # pragma: no cover
"""Use :func:`numba.guvectorize` to convert numpy searchsorted into a vectorized ufunc.
As of now, its only intended use is in for `ecdf`, so the `side` is
hardcoded and the rest of the library will assume so.
res[:] = np.searchsorted(da, v, side="right")
def searchsorted(da, v, dims=None, **kwargs):
"""Numbify :func:`numpy.searchsorted` to support vectorized computations.
da : DataArray
Input data
v : DataArray
The values to insert into `da`.
dims : str or iterable of str, optional
The dimensions over which to apply the searchsort. Computation
will be parallelized over the rest with numba.
**kwargs : dict, optional
Keyword arguments passed as-is to :func:`xarray.apply_ufunc`.
It has been designed to be used by :func:`~xarray_einstats.numba.ecdf`,
so its setting of input and output core dims makes some assumptions
based on that, it doesn't aim to be general use vectorized/parallelized
if dims is None:
dims = [d for d in da.dims if d not in v.dims]
if not isinstance(dims, str):
aux_dim = f"__aux_dim__:{','.join(dims)}"
da = _remove_indexes_to_reduce(da, dims).stack({aux_dim: dims}, create_index=False)
core_dims = [aux_dim]
aux_dim = dims
core_dims = [dims]
v_dims = [d for d in v.dims if d not in da.dims]
return xr.apply_ufunc(
sort(da, dim=aux_dim),
input_core_dims=[core_dims, v_dims],
def ecdf(da, dims=None, *, npoints=None, **kwargs):
"""Compute the x and y values of ecdf plots in a vectorized way.
da : DataArray
Input data containing the samples on which we want to compute the ecdf.
dims : str or iterable of str, optional
Dimensions over which the ecdf should be computed. They are flattened
and converted to a ``quantile`` dimension that contains the values
to plot; the other dimensions should be used for facetting and aesthetics.
The default is computing the ecdf over the flattened input.
npoints : int, optional
Number of points on which to evaluate the ecdf. It defaults
to the minimum between 200 and the total number of points in each
block defined by `dims`.
**kwargs : dict, optional
Keyword arguments passed as-is to :func:`xarray.apply_ufunc` through
DataArray with the computed values. It reduces the dimensions
provided as `dims` and adds the dimensions ``quantile`` and ``ecdf_axis``.
Compute and plot the ecdf over all the data:
.. plot::
:context: close-figs
from xarray_einstats import tutorial, numba
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
ds = tutorial.generate_mcmc_like_dataset(3)
out = numba.ecdf(ds["mu"], dims=("chain", "draw", "team"))
plt.plot(out.sel(ecdf_axis="x"), out.sel(ecdf_axis="y"), drawstyle="steps-post");
Compute vectorized ecdf values to plot multiple subplots and
multiple lines in each with different hue:
.. plot::
:context: close-figs
out = numba.ecdf(ds["mu"], dims="draw")
x="x", hue="chain", col="team", col_wrap=3, drawstyle="steps-post"
New and experimental feature, its API might change.
There are two main reasons for returning a DataArray even if operations
do not happen in any vectorized way on the ``ecdf_axis`` dimension.
One is that this is more coherent with xarray in aiming to be idempotent.
The input is a single DataArray, so the output should be too.
The second is that this allows using it with `Dataset.map`.
if dims is None:
dims = da.dims
elif isinstance(dims, str):
dims = [dims]
total_points = np.prod([da.sizes[d] for d in dims])
if npoints is None:
npoints = min(total_points, 200)
x = xr.DataArray(np.linspace(0, 1, npoints), dims=["quantile"])
max_da = da.max(dims)
min_da = da.min(dims)
x = (max_da - min_da) * x + min_da
y = searchsorted(da, x, dims=dims, **kwargs) / total_points
return xr.concat((x, y), dim="ecdf_axis").assign_coords(ecdf_axis=["x", "y"])