Source code for xarray_einstats.stats

# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
"""Wrappers for :mod:`scipy.stats` distributions."""

from import Sequence

import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
from scipy import stats

__all__ = [

[docs]def get_default_dims(dims): """Get default dims on which to perfom an operation. Whenever a function from :mod:`xarray_einstats.stats` is called with ``dims=None`` (the default) this function is called to choose the default dims on which to operate out of the list with all the dims present. This function is thought to be monkeypatched by domain specific applications as shown in the examples. Parameters ---------- dims : list of str List with all the dimensions of the input DataArray in the order they appear. Returns ------- list of str List with the dimensions on which to apply the operation. ``xarray_einstats`` defaults to applying the operation to all dimensions. Monkeypatch this function to get a different result. Examples -------- The ``xarray_einstats`` default behaviour is operating (averaging in this case) over all dimensions present in the input DataArray: .. jupyter-execute:: from xarray_einstats import stats, tutorial da = tutorial.generate_mcmc_like_dataset(3)["mu"] stats.hmean(da) Here we show how to monkeypatch ``get_default_dims`` to get a different default behaviour. If you use ``xarray_einstats`` and {doc}`arviz:index` to work with MCMC results, operating over chain and dim only might be a better default: .. jupyter-execute:: def get_default_dims(dims): out = [dim for dim in ("chain", "draw") if dim in dims] if not out: # if chain nor draw are present fall back to all dims return dims return out stats.get_default_dims = get_default_dims stats.hmean(da) You can still use ``dims`` explicitly to average over any custom dimension .. jupyter-execute:: stats.hmean(da, dims="team") """ return dims
[docs]def _wrap_method(method): def aux(self, *args, apply_kwargs=None, **kwargs): if apply_kwargs is None: apply_kwargs = {} meth = getattr(self.dist, method) if args: x_or_q = args[0] dim_name = "quantile" if method in {"ppf", "isf"} else "point" if not isinstance(x_or_q, xr.DataArray): x_or_q = xr.DataArray( np.asarray(x_or_q), dims=[dim_name], coords={dim_name: np.asarray(x_or_q)}, ) args = (x_or_q, *args[1:]) args, kwargs = self._broadcast_args(args, kwargs) # pylint: disable=protected-access return xr.apply_ufunc(meth, *args, kwargs=kwargs, **apply_kwargs) return aux
[docs]class XrRV: """Base random variable wrapper class. Most methods have a common signature between continuous and discrete variables in scipy. We define a base wrapper and then subclass it to add the specific methods like pdf or pmf. Notes ----- One of the main goals of this library is ease of maintenance. We could wrap each distribution to preserve call signatures and avoid different behaviour between passing input arrays as args or kwargs, but so far we don't consider what we'd won doing this to be worth the extra maintenance burden. """
[docs] def __init__(self, dist, *args, **kwargs): self.dist = dist self.args = args self.kwargs = kwargs
def _broadcast_args(self, args, kwargs): """Broadcast and combine initialization and method provided args and kwargs.""" len_args = len(args) + len(self.args) all_args = [*args, *self.args, *kwargs.values(), *self.kwargs.values()] broadcastable = [] non_broadcastable = [] b_idx = [] n_idx = [] for i, a in enumerate(all_args): if isinstance(a, xr.DataArray): broadcastable.append(a) b_idx.append(i) else: non_broadcastable.append(a) n_idx.append(i) broadcasted = list(xr.broadcast(*broadcastable)) all_args = [ x for x, _ in sorted( zip(broadcasted + non_broadcastable, b_idx + n_idx), key=lambda pair: pair[1], ) ] all_keys = list(kwargs.keys()) + list(self.kwargs.keys()) args = all_args[:len_args] kwargs = dict(zip(all_keys, all_args[len_args:])) return args, kwargs
[docs] def rvs(self, *args, size=1, random_state=None, dims=None, apply_kwargs=None, **kwargs): """Implement base rvs method. In scipy, rvs has a common signature that doesn't depend on continuous or discrete, so we can define it here. """ args, kwargs = self._broadcast_args(args, kwargs) size_in = tuple() dims_in = tuple() for a in (*args, *kwargs.values()): if isinstance(a, xr.DataArray): size_in = a.shape dims_in = a.dims break if isinstance(dims, str): dims = [dims] if isinstance(size, (Sequence, np.ndarray)): if dims is None: dims = [f"rv_dim{i}" for i, _ in enumerate(size)] if len(dims) != len(size): raise ValueError("dims and size must have the same length") size = (*size, *size_in) elif size > 1: if dims is None: dims = ["rv_dim0"] if len(dims) != 1: raise ValueError("dims and size must have the same length") size = (size, *size_in) else: if size_in: size = size_in dims = None if dims is None: dims = tuple() if apply_kwargs is None: apply_kwargs = {} return xr.apply_ufunc( self.dist.rvs, *args, kwargs={**kwargs, "size": size, "random_state": random_state}, input_core_dims=[dims_in for _ in args], output_core_dims=[[*dims, *dims_in]], **apply_kwargs, )
[docs]class XrContinuousRV(XrRV): """Wrapper for subclasses of :class:`~scipy.stats.rv_continuous`. Usage examples available at :ref:`stats_tutorial` See Also -------- xarray_einstats.stats.XrDiscreteRV Examples -------- Evaluate the ppf of a Student-T distribution from DataArrays that need broadcasting: .. jupyter-execute:: from xarray_einstats import tutorial from xarray_einstats.stats import XrContinuousRV from scipy import stats ds = tutorial.generate_mcmc_like_dataset(3) dist = XrContinuousRV(stats.t, 3, ds["mu"], ds["sigma"]) dist.ppf([.1, .5, .6]) """
[docs]class XrDiscreteRV(XrRV): """Wrapper for subclasses of :class:`~scipy.stats.rv_discrete`. Usage examples available at :ref:`stats_tutorial` See Also -------- xarray_einstats.stats.XrDiscreteRV Examples -------- Evaluate the ppf of a Student-T distribution from DataArrays that need broadcasting: .. jupyter-execute:: from xarray_einstats import tutorial from xarray_einstats.stats import XrDiscreteRV from scipy import stats ds = tutorial.generate_mcmc_like_dataset(3) dist = XrDiscreteRV(stats.poisson, ds["mu"]) dist.ppf([.1, .5, .6]) """
[docs]def _add_documented_method(cls, wrapped_cls, methods, extra_docs=None): """Register methods to XrRV classes and document them from a template.""" if extra_docs is None: extra_docs = {} for method_name in methods: extra_doc = extra_docs.get(method_name, "") if method_name == "rvs": if wrapped_cls == "rv_generic": continue method = cls.rvs else: method = _wrap_method(method_name) setattr( method, "__doc__", f"Method wrapping :meth:`scipy.stats.{wrapped_cls}.{method_name}` " "with :func:`xarray.apply_ufunc`\n\nUsage examples available at " f":ref:`stats_tutorial/dists`.\n\n{extra_doc}", ) setattr(cls, method_name, method)
doc_extras = dict( rvs=""" Parameters ---------- args : scalar or array_like, optional Passed to the scipy distribution after broadcasting. size : int of sequence of ints, optional The number of samples to draw *per array element*. If the distribution parameters broadcast to a ``(4, 10, 6)`` shape and ``size=(5, 3)`` then the output shape is ``(5, 3, 4, 10, 6)``. This differs from the scipy implementation. Here, all broadcasting and alignment is done for you, you give the dimensions the right names, and broadcasting just happens. If ``size`` followed scipy behaviour, you'd be forced to broadcast to provide a valid value which would defeat the ``xarray_einstats`` goal of handling all alignment and broadcasting for you. random_state : optional Passed as is to the wrapped scipy distribution dims : str or sequence of str, optional Dimension names for the dimensions created due to ``size``. If present it must have the same length as ``size``. apply_kwargs : dict, optional Passed to :func:`xarray.apply_ufunc` kwargs : dict, optional Passed to the scipy distribution after broadcasting using the same key. """ ) base_methods = ["cdf", "logcdf", "sf", "logsf", "ppf", "isf", "rvs"] _add_documented_method(XrRV, "rv_generic", base_methods, doc_extras) _add_documented_method( XrContinuousRV, "rv_continuous", base_methods + ["pdf", "logpdf"], doc_extras ) _add_documented_method(XrDiscreteRV, "rv_discrete", base_methods + ["pmf", "logpmf"], doc_extras)
[docs]def _apply_nonreduce_func(func, da, dims, kwargs, func_kwargs=None): """Help wrap functions with a single input that return an output with the same size.""" unstack = False if dims is None: dims = get_default_dims(da.dims) if not isinstance(dims, str): da = da.stack(__aux_dim__=dims) core_dims = ["__aux_dim__"] unstack = True else: core_dims = [dims] out_da = xr.apply_ufunc( func, da, input_core_dims=[core_dims], output_core_dims=[core_dims], kwargs=func_kwargs, **kwargs, ) if unstack: return out_da.unstack("__aux_dim__") return out_da
[docs]def _apply_reduce_func(func, da, dims, kwargs, func_kwargs=None): """Help wrap functions with a single input that return an output after reducing some dimensions. It assumes that the function to be applied only takes ``int`` as ``axis`` and stacks multiple dimensions if necessary to support reducing multiple dimensions at once. """ if dims is None: dims = get_default_dims(da.dims) if not isinstance(dims, str): da = da.stack(__aux_dim__=dims) core_dims = ["__aux_dim__"] else: core_dims = [dims] out_da = xr.apply_ufunc( func, da, input_core_dims=[core_dims], output_core_dims=[[]], kwargs=func_kwargs, **kwargs ) return out_da
[docs]def rankdata(da, dims=None, *, method=None, **kwargs): """Wrap and extend :func:`scipy.stats.rankdata`. Usage examples available at :ref:`stats_tutorial` See Also -------- xarray.DataArray.rank : Similar function but without a ``method`` argument available. """ rank_kwargs = {"axis": -1} if method is not None: rank_kwargs["method"] = method return _apply_nonreduce_func(stats.rankdata, da, dims, kwargs, rank_kwargs)
[docs]def gmean(da, dims=None, dtype=None, *, weights=None, **kwargs): """Wrap and extend :func:`scipy.stats.gmean`. Usage examples available at :ref:`stats_tutorial` """ gmean_kwargs = {"axis": -1} if dtype is not None: gmean_kwargs["dtype"] = dtype if weights is not None: gmean_kwargs["weights"] = weights return _apply_reduce_func(stats.gmean, da, dims, kwargs, gmean_kwargs)
[docs]def hmean(da, dims=None, *, dtype=None, **kwargs): """Wrap and extend :func:`scipy.stats.hmean`. Usage examples available at :ref:`stats_tutorial` """ hmean_kwargs = {"axis": -1} if dtype is not None: hmean_kwargs["dtype"] = dtype return _apply_reduce_func(stats.hmean, da, dims, kwargs, hmean_kwargs)
[docs]def circmean(da, dims=None, *, high=2 * np.pi, low=0, nan_policy=None, **kwargs): """Wrap and extend :func:`scipy.stats.circmean`. Usage examples available at :ref:`stats_tutorial` """ circmean_kwargs = dict(axis=-1, high=high, low=low) if nan_policy is not None: circmean_kwargs["nan_policy"] = nan_policy return _apply_reduce_func(stats.circmean, da, dims, kwargs, circmean_kwargs)
[docs]def circvar(da, dims=None, *, high=2 * np.pi, low=0, nan_policy=None, **kwargs): """Wrap and extend :func:`scipy.stats.circvar`. Usage examples available at :ref:`stats_tutorial` """ circvar_kwargs = dict(axis=-1, high=high, low=low) if nan_policy is not None: circvar_kwargs["nan_policy"] = nan_policy return _apply_reduce_func(stats.circvar, da, dims, kwargs, circvar_kwargs)
[docs]def circstd(da, dims=None, *, high=2 * np.pi, low=0, nan_policy=None, **kwargs): """Wrap and extend :func:`scipy.stats.circstd`. Usage examples available at :ref:`stats_tutorial` """ circstd_kwargs = dict(axis=-1, high=high, low=low) if nan_policy is not None: circstd_kwargs["nan_policy"] = nan_policy return _apply_reduce_func(stats.circstd, da, dims, kwargs, circstd_kwargs)
[docs]def kurtosis(da, dims=None, *, fisher=True, bias=True, nan_policy=None, **kwargs): """Wrap and extend :func:`scipy.stats.kurtosis`. Usage examples available at :ref:`stats_tutorial` """ kurtosis_kwargs = dict(axis=-1, fisher=fisher, bias=bias) if nan_policy is not None: kurtosis_kwargs["nan_policy"] = nan_policy return _apply_reduce_func(stats.kurtosis, da, dims, kwargs, kurtosis_kwargs)
[docs]def skew(da, dims=None, *, bias=True, nan_policy=None, **kwargs): """Wrap and extend :func:`scipy.stats.skew`. Usage examples available at :ref:`stats_tutorial` """ skew_kwargs = dict(axis=-1, bias=bias) if nan_policy is not None: skew_kwargs["nan_policy"] = nan_policy return _apply_reduce_func(stats.skew, da, dims, kwargs, skew_kwargs)
[docs]def median_abs_deviation(da, dims=None, *, center=None, scale=1, nan_policy=None, **kwargs): """Wrap and extend :func:`scipy.stats.median_abs_deviation`. Usage examples available at :ref:`stats_tutorial`. All parameters take the same values and types as the scipy counterpart with the exception of ``scale``. Here ``scale`` can also take :class:`~xarray.DataArray` values in which case, broadcasting is handled by xarray, as shown in the example. Examples -------- Use a ``DataArray`` as ``scale``. .. jupyter-execute:: import xarray as xr from xarray_einstats import tutorial, stats ds = tutorial.generate_mcmc_like_dataset(3) s_da = xr.DataArray([1, 2, 1, 1], coords={"chain": ds.chain}) stats.median_abs_deviation(ds["mu"], dims="draw", scale=s_da) Note that this doesn't work with the scipy counterpart because `s_da` can't be broadcasted with the output: .. jupyter-execute:: :raises: ValueError from scipy import stats stats.median_abs_deviation(ds["mu"], axis=1, scale=s_da) """ mad_kwargs = dict(axis=-1) if center is not None: mad_kwargs["center"] = center if nan_policy is not None: mad_kwargs["nan_policy"] = nan_policy if dims is None: dims = get_default_dims(da.dims) if not isinstance(dims, str): da = da.stack(__aux_dim__=dims) core_dims = ["__aux_dim__"] else: core_dims = [dims] scale_dims = [] if isinstance(scale, xr.DataArray): scale_dims = [d for d in scale.dims if d in core_dims] return xr.apply_ufunc( lambda a, s, **kwargs: stats.median_abs_deviation(a, scale=s, **kwargs), da, scale, input_core_dims=[core_dims, scale_dims], output_core_dims=[[]], kwargs=mad_kwargs, **kwargs, )