Source code for xarray_einstats.tutorial

"""Tutorial module with data for docs and quick testing."""
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr

[docs]def generate_mcmc_like_dataset(seed=None): """Generate a Dataset with multiple variables, some with dimensions from mcmc sampling. Parameters ---------- seed : int or sequence of int, optional The random seed used to initialize :func:`numpy.random.default_rng`. Examples -------- The dataset generated is the following: .. jupyter-execute:: from xarray_einstats import tutorial tutorial.generate_mcmc_like_dataset(3) Notes ----- This function is not part of the public API and is designed for use in our documentation. In addition to generating the data, it also sets ``display_expand_data=False`` to avoid taking too much virtual space with examples. """ xr.set_options(display_expand_data=False) rng = np.random.default_rng(seed) ds = xr.Dataset( { "x_plot": (["plot_dim"], np.linspace(0, 10, 20)), "mu": (["chain", "draw", "team"], rng.exponential(size=(4, 10, 6))), "sigma": (["chain", "draw"], rng.exponential(size=(4, 10))), "score": (["chain", "draw", "match"], rng.poisson(size=(4, 10, 12))), }, coords={"team": list("abcdef"), "chain": np.arange(4), "draw": np.arange(10)}, ) return ds
[docs]def generate_matrices_dataarray(seed=None): """Generate a 4d DataArray representing a batch of matrices. Parameters ---------- seed : int or sequence of int, optional The random seed used to initialize :func:`numpy.random.default_rng`. Examples -------- The dataset generated is the following: .. jupyter-execute:: from xarray_einstats import tutorial tutorial.generate_matrices_dataarray(5) Notes ----- This function is not part of the public API and is designed for use in our documentation. In addition to generating the data, it also sets ``display_expand_data=False`` to avoid taking too much virtual space with examples. """ xr.set_options(display_expand_data=False) rng = np.random.default_rng(seed) return xr.DataArray( rng.exponential(size=(10, 3, 4, 4)), dims=["batch", "experiment", "dim", "dim2"] )