"""Wrappers for `einops <https://einops.rocks/>`_.
The einops module is available only from ``xarray_einstats.einops`` and is not
imported when doing ``import xarray_einstats``.
To use it you need to have installed einops manually or alternatively
install this library as ``xarray-einstats[einops]`` or ``xarray-einstats[all]``.
Details about the exact command are available at :ref:`installation`
.. tip::
The functions above are also available via the ``.einops`` accessor
from :class:`DataArray` objects. See :ref:`einops_tutorial` for
example usage.
import warnings
from collections.abc import Hashable
import einops
import xarray as xr
__all__ = ["rearrange", "reduce", "DaskBackend"]
class DimHandler:
"""Handle converting actual dimension names to placeholders for einops."""
def __init__(self):
self.mapping = {}
def get_name(self, dim):
"""Return or generate a placeholder for a dimension name."""
if dim in self.mapping:
return self.mapping.get(dim)
dim_txt = f"d{len(self.mapping)}"
self.mapping[dim] = dim_txt
return dim_txt
def get_names(self, dim_list):
"""Automate calling get_name with an iterable."""
return " ".join((self.get_name(dim) for dim in dim_list))
def rename_kwarg(self, key):
"""Process kwargs for axes_lengths.
Users use as keys the dimension names they used in the input expressions
which need to be converted and use the placeholder as key when passed
to einops functions.
return self.mapping.get(key, key)
def process_pattern_list(redims, handler, allow_dict=True, allow_list=True):
"""Process a pattern list and convert it to an einops expression using placeholders.
redims : pattern_list
One of ``out_dims`` or ``in_dims`` in {func}`~xarray_einstats.einops.rearrange`
or {func}`~xarray_einstats.einops.reduce`.
handler : DimHandler
allow_dict, allow_list : bool, optional
Whether or not to allow lists or dicts as elements of ``redims``.
When processing ``in_dims`` for example we need the names of
the variables to be decomposed so dicts are required and lists
are not accepted.
expression_dims : list of str
A list with the names of the dimensions present in the out expression
output_dims : list of str
A list with the names of the dimensions present in the output.
It differs from ``expression_dims`` because there might be dimensions
being stacked.
pattern : str
The einops expression equivalent to the operations in ``redims`` pattern
Whenever we have groupings of dimensions (be it to decompose or to stack),
``expression_dims`` and ``output_dims`` differ:
.. jupyter-execute::
from xarray_einstats.einops import process_pattern_list, DimHandler
handler = DimHandler()
process_pattern_list(["a", {"b": ["c", "d"]}, ["e", "f", "g"]], handler)
out = []
out_names = []
txt = []
for subitem in redims:
if isinstance(subitem, Hashable):
elif isinstance(subitem, dict) and allow_dict:
if len(subitem) != 1:
raise ValueError(
"dicts in pattern list must have a single key but instead "
f"found {len(subitem)}: {subitem.keys()}"
key, values = list(subitem.items())[0]
if isinstance(values, Hashable):
raise ValueError(
"Found values of hashable type in a pattern dict, use xarray.rename"
txt.append(f"( {handler.get_names(values)} )")
elif allow_list:
txt.append(f"( {handler.get_names(subitem)} )")
raise ValueError(
f"Found unsupported pattern type: {type(subitem)}, double check the docs. "
"This could be for example is using lists/tuples as elements of in_dims argument"
return out, out_names, " ".join(txt)
def translate_pattern(pattern):
"""Translate a string pattern to a list pattern.
pattern : str
Input pattern as a string.
Pattern translated to list, as used by the direct feature-full wrappers.
.. jupyter-execute::
from xarray_einstats.einops import translate_pattern
translate_pattern("a (c d)=b (e f g)")
dims = []
current_dim = ""
current_block = []
parsing_block = 0 # 0=no block, 1=block, 2=just closed, waiting for key
parsing_key = False
for char in pattern.strip() + " ":
if char == " ":
if parsing_key:
if current_dim:
dims.append({current_dim: current_block})
current_block = []
parsing_key = False
parsing_block = False
elif not current_dim:
elif parsing_block:
current_dim = ""
elif char == ")":
if parsing_block:
parsing_block = False
parsing_key = True
if current_dim:
current_dim = ""
raise ValueError("unmatched parenthesis")
elif char == "(":
parsing_block = 1
elif char == "=":
if not parsing_key:
raise ValueError("= sign must follow a closing parenthesis )")
current_dim += char
return dims
def _rearrange(da, out_dims, in_dims=None, dim_lengths=None):
"""Wrap `einops.rearrange <https://einops.rocks/api/rearrange/>`_.
This is the function that actually interfaces with ``einops``.
:func:`xarray_einstats.einops.rearrange` is the user facing
version as it exposes two possible APIs, one of them significantly
less verbose and more friendly (but much less flexible).
da : xarray.DataArray
Input DataArray to be rearranged
out_dims : list of str, list or dict
See docstring of :func:`~xarray_einstats.einops.rearrange`
in_dims : list of str or dict, optional
See docstring of :func:`~xarray_einstats.einops.rearrange`
dim_lengths : dict, optional
kwargs with key equal to dimension names in ``out_dims``
(that is, strings or dict keys) are passed to einops.rearrange
the rest of keys are passed to :func:`xarray.apply_ufunc`
if dim_lengths is None:
dim_lengths = {}
da_dims = da.dims
handler = DimHandler()
if in_dims is None:
in_dims = []
in_names = []
in_pattern = ""
in_dims, in_names, in_pattern = process_pattern_list(
in_dims, handler=handler, allow_list=False
# note, not using sets for da_dims to avoid transpositions on missing variables,
# if they wanted to transpose those they would not be missing variables
out_dims, out_names, out_pattern = process_pattern_list(out_dims, handler=handler)
missing_in_dims = [dim for dim in da_dims if dim not in in_names]
expected_missing = set(out_dims).union(in_names).difference(in_dims)
missing_out_dims = [dim for dim in da_dims if dim not in expected_missing]
# avoid using dimensions as core dims unnecesarly
non_core_dims = [dim for dim in missing_in_dims if dim in missing_out_dims]
missing_in_dims = [dim for dim in missing_in_dims if dim not in non_core_dims]
missing_out_dims = [dim for dim in missing_out_dims if dim not in non_core_dims]
non_core_pattern = handler.get_names(non_core_dims)
pattern = f"{non_core_pattern} {handler.get_names(missing_in_dims)} {in_pattern} ->\
{non_core_pattern} {handler.get_names(missing_out_dims)} {out_pattern}"
axes_lengths = {
handler.rename_kwarg(k): v for k, v in dim_lengths.items() if k in out_names + out_dims
kwargs = {k: v for k, v in dim_lengths.items() if k not in out_names + out_dims}
return xr.apply_ufunc(
input_core_dims=[missing_in_dims + in_names, []],
output_core_dims=[missing_out_dims + out_names],
def rearrange(da, pattern, pattern_in=None, dim_lengths=None, **dim_lengths_kwargs):
"""Expose `einops.rearrange <https://einops.rocks/api/rearrange/>`_ with an xarray-like API.
It has two possible syntaxes which are independent and somewhat complementary.
Wrapper around einops.rearrange with a very similar syntax.
Spaces, parenthesis ``()`` and `->` are not allowed in dimension names.
da : xarray.DataArray
Input array
pattern : str or list of [hashable, list or dict]
If `pattern` is a string, it uses the same syntax as einops
with two caveats:
* Unless splitting or stacking, you must use the actual dimension names.
* When splitting or stacking you can use ``(dim1 dim2)=dim``. This is *necessary*
for the left hand side as it identifies the dimension to split, and
optional on the right hand side, if omitted the stacked dimension will be given
a default name.
If `pattern` is not a string, then it must be a list where each of its elements
is one of: :term:`python:hashable`, ``list`` (to stack those dimensions and
give them an arbitrary name) or ``dict`` (to stack the dimensions indicated
as values of the dictionary and name the resulting dimensions with the key).
`pattern` is then interpreted as the output side of the einops pattern.
See :ref:`about_einops` for more details.
pattern_in : list of [str or dict], optional
The input pattern for the dimensions. It can only be provided if `pattern`
is a ``list``. Also, note this is only necessary if you want to split some dimensions.
The syntax and interpretation is the same as the case when `pattern` is a list,
with the only difference that ``list`` elements are not allowed, the same way
that ``(dim1 dim2)=dim`` is required on the left hand side when using string
dim_lengths, **dim_lengths_kwargs : dict, optional
If the keys are dimensions present in `pattern` they will be passed to
`einops.rearrange <https://einops.rocks/api/rearrange/>`_, otherwise,
they are passed to :func:`xarray.apply_ufunc`.
See Also
if dim_lengths is None:
dim_lengths = {}
dim_lengths = {**dim_lengths, **dim_lengths_kwargs}
if isinstance(pattern, str):
if "->" in pattern:
in_pattern, out_pattern = pattern.split("->")
in_dims = translate_pattern(in_pattern)
out_pattern = pattern
in_dims = None
out_dims = translate_pattern(out_pattern)
return _rearrange(da, out_dims=out_dims, in_dims=in_dims, dim_lengths=dim_lengths)
return _rearrange(da, out_dims=pattern, in_dims=pattern_in, dim_lengths=dim_lengths)
def _reduce(da, reduction, out_dims, in_dims=None, dim_lengths=None):
"""Wrap `einops.reduce <https://einops.rocks/api/reduce/>`_.
This is the function that actually interfaces with ``einops``.
:func:`xarray_einstats.einops.rearrange` is the user facing
version as it exposes two possible APIs, one of them significantly
less verbose and more friendly (but much less flexible).
da : xarray.DataArray
Input DataArray to be reduced
reduction : string or callable
One of available reductions ('min', 'max', 'sum', 'mean', 'prod') by ``einops.reduce``,
case-sensitive. Alternatively, a callable ``f(tensor, reduced_axes) -> tensor``
can be provided. ``reduced_axes`` are passed as a list of int.
out_dims : list of str, list or dict
The output pattern for the dimensions.
The dimensions present in
in_dims : list of str or dict, optional
The input pattern for the dimensions.
This is only necessary if you want to split some dimensions.
dim_lengths : dict, optional
kwargs with key equal to dimension names in ``out_dims``
(that is, strings or dict keys) are passed to einops.rearrange
the rest of keys are passed to :func:`xarray.apply_ufunc`
if dim_lengths is None:
dim_lengths = {}
da_dims = da.dims
handler = DimHandler()
if in_dims is None:
in_dims = []
in_names = []
in_pattern = ""
in_dims, in_names, in_pattern = process_pattern_list(
in_dims, handler=handler, allow_list=False
# note, not using sets for da_dims to avoid transpositions on missing variables,
# if they wanted to transpose those they would not be missing variables
out_dims, out_names, out_pattern = process_pattern_list(out_dims, handler=handler)
missing_in_dims = [dim for dim in da_dims if dim not in in_names]
pattern = f"{handler.get_names(missing_in_dims)} {in_pattern} -> {out_pattern}"
all_dims = set(out_dims + out_names + in_names + in_dims)
axes_lengths = {handler.rename_kwarg(k): v for k, v in dim_lengths.items() if k in all_dims}
kwargs = {k: v for k, v in dim_lengths.items() if k not in all_dims}
return xr.apply_ufunc(
input_core_dims=[missing_in_dims + in_names, [], []],
def reduce(da, pattern, reduction, pattern_in=None, dim_lengths=None, **dim_lengths_kwargs):
"""Expose `einops.reduce <https://einops.rocks/api/reduce/>`_ with an xarray-like API.
It has two possible syntaxes which are independent and somewhat complementary.
da : xarray.DataArray
Input array
pattern : str or list of [str, list or dict]
If `pattern` is a string, it uses the same syntax as einops
with two caveats:
* Unless splitting or stacking, you must use the actual dimension names.
* When splitting or stacking you can use ``(dim1 dim2)=dim``. This is *necessary*
for the left hand side as it identifies the dimension to split, and
optional on the right hand side, if omitted the stacked dimension will be given
a default name.
If `pattern` is not a string, then it must be a list where each of its elements
is one of: ``str``, ``list`` (to stack those dimensions and give them an
arbitrary name) or ``dict of {str: list}`` (to stack the dimensions indicated
as values of the dictionary and name the resulting dimensions with the key).
`pattern` is then interpreted as the output side of the einops pattern. See
TODO for more details.
reduction : string or callable
One of available reductions ('min', 'max', 'sum', 'mean', 'prod') by ``einops.reduce``,
case-sensitive. Alternatively, a callable ``f(tensor, reduced_axes) -> tensor``
can be provided. ``reduced_axes`` are passed as a list of int.
pattern_in : list of [str or dict], optional
The input pattern for the dimensions. It can only be provided if `pattern`
is a ``list``. Also, note this is only necessary if you want to split some dimensions.
The syntax and interpretation is the same as the case when `pattern` is a list,
with the only difference that ``list`` elements are not allowed, the same way
that ``(dim1 dim2)=dim`` is required on the left hand side when using string
dim_lengths, **dim_lengths_kwargs : dict, optional
If the keys are dimensions present in `pattern` they will be passed to
`einops.reduce <https://einops.rocks/api/reduce/>`_, otherwise,
they are passed to :func:`xarray.apply_ufunc`.
See Also
if dim_lengths is None:
dim_lengths = {}
dim_lengths = {**dim_lengths, **dim_lengths_kwargs}
if isinstance(pattern, str):
if "->" in pattern:
in_pattern, out_pattern = pattern.split("->")
in_dims = translate_pattern(in_pattern)
out_pattern = pattern
in_dims = None
out_dims = translate_pattern(out_pattern)
return _reduce(da, reduction, out_dims=out_dims, in_dims=in_dims, dim_lengths=dim_lengths)
return _reduce(da, reduction, out_dims=pattern, in_dims=pattern_in, dim_lengths=dim_lengths)
def raw_reduce(*args, **kwargs):
"""Wrap einops.reduce.
"raw_reduce has been deprecated. Its functionality has been merged into reduce",
return reduce(*args, **kwargs)
def raw_rearrange(*args, **kwargs):
"""Wrap einops.rearrange.
"raw_rearrange has been deprecated. Its functionality has been merged into rearrange",
return rearrange(*args, **kwargs)
class DaskBackend(einops._backends.AbstractBackend): # pylint: disable=protected-access
"""Dask backend class for einops.
It should be imported before using functions of :mod:`xarray_einstats.einops`
on Dask backed DataArrays.
It doesn't need to be initialized or used explicitly
Class created from the advise on
`issue einops#120 <https://github.com/arogozhnikov/einops/issues/120>`_ about Dask support.
And from reading
`einops/_backends <https://github.com/arogozhnikov/einops/blob/master/einops/_backends.py>`_,
the source of the AbstractBackend class of which DaskBackend is a subclass.
# pylint: disable=no-self-use
framework_name = "dask"
def __init__(self):
"""Initialize DaskBackend.
Contains the imports to avoid errors when dask is not installed
import dask.array as dsar
self.dsar = dsar
def is_appropriate_type(self, tensor):
"""Recognizes tensors it can handle."""
return isinstance(tensor, self.dsar.core.Array)
def from_numpy(self, x): # noqa: D102
return self.dsar.array(x)
def to_numpy(self, x): # noqa: D102
return x.compute()
def arange(self, start, stop): # noqa: D102
# supplementary method used only in testing, so should implement CPU version
return self.dsar.arange(start, stop)
def stack_on_zeroth_dimension(self, tensors: list): # noqa: D102
return self.dsar.stack(tensors)
def tile(self, x, repeats): # noqa: D102
return self.dsar.tile(x, repeats)
def is_float_type(self, x): # noqa: D102
return x.dtype in ("float16", "float32", "float64", "float128")
def add_axis(self, x, new_position): # noqa: D102
return self.dsar.expand_dims(x, new_position)